Interwiew by Luis Landeo
Hey Matt¿how are you? this is the first time i have an interwiew with you my good friend. Now you are in a thrash metal band, can You tell to Arsenal del Metalero How does Xerosive started? And what does the band name mean?
Well man we all went to the same school, and me and ross (the drummer) have been playing together for years now. So ross started jamming with them during the day when im usually at work and ross told me they are starting a new band so naturally as soon as i heard it was with them I was keen as hell. One thing led to another and just as soon as we started jamming we started ripping out killer riffs and that led to demos, so at the moment we are still getting the demos down. About the name of the band nothing really it was just a random word me and ross made up about 6 years ago and it has stuck tho we have gone by the name of 'Dead Destiny' Which to us meant there is nothing after death.
What is the concept behind the lyrics?
We usually write about war, death, politics, religion etc the shit you usually hear in Thrash ya know.
what are the influences of Xerosive?

Definately most thrash bands Sepultura, Xentrix, Slayer,Testament etc and some death metal bands such as Deicide, Cannibal corpse, Torture Squad and then there is IRON MAIDEN who cant be influenced by them!
Xerosive have a demo, are you thinking to produce a new album?

Yes we are hell keen to do an album wont be for a couple of years tho we need to save up the funding for it sadly.
What can we expect from this album?

You can expect pure fucking thrash!! super fast gallops, shredding solos, intense drumming, groove, insane bass and growling vocals fucking oath!
How is the metal scene in Auckland - New Zealand?

The people are awesome but the scene isnt very big, which sucks most young people here like hip hop and crap like that ya know the 'followers' not the leaders (laught)
How do you see the future of the thrash metal scene in your country?
I dont think there will ever be a scene there will be more bands to come but not enough to make a scene from it, sucks ass man.
Currently Thrash Metal adapts a new sound, something we can notice in bands as Trivium, Sanctity among others, leavin the real Thrash Metal Sound from the 80s behind. What do you think of it? Do you think this pretty new school sound could affect the internatonal Thrasher scene?
It sure does, i used to like trivium but not so much anymore its post thrash not real fucking thrash ya know, but they are just trying to keep up with the times and follow the trend which we wont be doing!
How many concerts and festivals have you guys already played?

None as of yet but we are almost ready we have a few tracks down we are trying to so rt some gigs out at the monet, cant wait!!
Do you think there is any chance of seeing you playing in a tour in South America?

I would love too! I know there is a good scene for metal there, we really wanna leave New Zealand and go elsewhere to achieve a status on the world metal scene ya know we cant do that in New Zealand really a lot of luck to you.
Any message for fans in Europe or South America? Yeah cant wait to see all you fellow metalheads!! we will be coming for sure! beautiful countries and ladies ;)

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