Interwiew by Luis Landeo
Hey Bryan how does the band start?
Disengorified formed in the Spring of 2009. I had been living with the other guitarist, Rob, for a few years before and we would jam together all the time. I went to high school in San Diego with Ian and Boomer and once they both moved up to Santa Cruz we decided to form the band. We actually recorded our demo before we ever jammed as a full band.

I thought of the name Disengorified a few years before the band was formed. I just took all the common parts of death metal band names like 'dis' and 'gor' and combined them into Disengorified. Once the band was formed we thought of a meaning for the name. We agreed on Disengorified meaning the act of re-inserting disemboweled entrails.

We all listen to death metal, but we all have different tastes in music. Personally, I listen to mostly brutal death metal and am influenced by Deeds of Flesh, Severed Savior, Impaled, Gorgasm. I'm less into anything core, but the rest of the band likes bands like The Faceless and Son of Aurelius, which I still respect, I just don't listen to them as much. We've all been in bands with different genres, Boomer and Rob used to be in punk/ska style bands in high school, Ian used to drum for a "stoner pop" band and I was in a shitty nu-metal band in high school. Our influences are listed on our myspace too.

We have been working on a full length album for a while now. We have been doing the whole DIY thing, which has been working out since we rent our own studio and Ian has a lot of experience recording, mixing and mastering. However, we're currently working on bigger and better things and we will probably record our full length in a professional studio within a few months.

We have all become better musicians since we made our demo. We've played some 20 gigs since we formed about a year and a half ago, so we have a lot more experience now. You can expect our album to be much more tech and more progressive than our demo. It will sound more professional and tighter since we've become better musicians, but we're also better at recording. Also, I just got a new guitar and it sounds sooo much better than my old one.

This is more of a question for our vocalist, Clark. But, like most death metal bands we like to incorporate concepts of disgusting murder scenarios and torturing humans into our music.

The scene around San Fran is great. There are usually huge bands playing in the Bay Area and there are always underground metal shows around here. The scene in Santa Cruz specifically has been blowing up lately. Since we formed here in 2009, there have been a ton of metal shows in town. Also, the Santa Cruz Underground Metal Festival (SCUMfest) was conceived around the same time as Disengorified, and we played the first annual SCUMfest. More recently the Bay Area Metal Festival was conceived, so the metal scene here is alive and well.

I don't necessarily think that this is a problem for death metal bands simply because death metal has always been a very underground genre and I think most of the fans appreciate that it is so underground. Also, most of the fans of metalcore can appreciate death metal much more than fans of electronic music, which is much more popular than any metal genres. However, when we play shows around town we see all sorts of people at our shows, so to answer the question I would say it's not a problem for us.

what is your opinion about this mix?
Like I said before, I'm less into any core genres than the rest of the band, so I would prefer bands to be death metal than anything else. Honestly, I haven't heard of nu-death metal before, but I got over nu-metal pretty early on in high school, so again I would prefer death metal.

We've only played one festival (SCUMfest) before and that was a great day. It was an all day event starting at 11am and ending around 11pm and we played at 4pm and got pretty drunk afterwards. As I mentioned before, we've played about 20 gigs. Some shows we don't count, like our first show we ever played. We played a song and a half and got banned from the venue. And we've played outdoor shows before where we had to stop because cops showed up and gave us a noise violation ticket. We just love playing shows and are always looking to play more.

We would love to tour, but it's hard to organize and really hard to pay for. We're focusing on the business aspects of the music industry lately and if we can start making some real money we can start traveling more and playing shows farther and farther from our hometown.

I've seen Krisiun play before and I listen to bands like Sepultura, but I listen to mostly bands from around my area, like Deeds of Flesh, Impaled and Severed Savior. From what I've heard I feel that Latin metal is less tech than what I'm used to, but maybe I just haven't found enough South American metal bands.

To our fans out there: We fucking love you. It's so satisfying to hear that people in other countries are rockin out to our music. It really blows my mind. I know every band says this, but no one will hear of us if you guys don't spread the word. So if you like our music, tell your friends. We would fuckin appreciate it.
To know about Disengorified:

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