martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Interview to Camila Toledo of Sinaya

Interview by Luis Landeo
Hails Camila, welcome to Arsenal Del Metalero, I enjoyed listening the Ep: "Obscure Raids", and I have to say you play good Death Metal, but this ep was released in 2013, and I checked in the Sinaya Instagram account, you are recording new music, so how goes the recording session for this new work?
Hails , Luis ! It is a pleasure to speak with you, and with the readers of Arsenal Del Metalero . I thank the considerations of the EP Obscure Raids . At the time we're in the process of recording our first Album (not yet disclose the name) but the work has been arduous and constant. In addition, we reply on the help of producer Marcelo Pompeu ( Korzus ) . He's very good and very professional , so advance that this cd will be destroyer!!!
Sinaya is a female death metal band, so how born the idea of start a complete female band of death metal? and what means the word: "Sinaya"?
The band was formed by our vocalist and guitarist Mylena Monaco. From the beginning her idea was that the training were women and so keep up to date, it is a common idea among us also .
The Sinaya name is from a place in Romania called: SINAIA .When Mylena searched for this place, was surprised and I changed the Y at the end , resulting in Sinaya .
The lyrics of "Obscure Raids" EP, are about hate, rage and terror, and this is reflected in the cover of the EP, but for the new lyrics of the comming album or Ep, what will be the concept for those lyrics? 
You can wait in our new work, portraits of injustice and social problems, but the hatred and anger , remain constant themes in our lyrics.
In October of last year was released the music video of the track: "Buried By Terror", how was record this music video? how many days took record this video (including the scenes for the actor of this video and changes of locations)?
We shot the video in a single day . Because the space that we were using only allowed us to stay until certain time . The recordings were made by my husband team, André Januzzi , and it was a great experience for us . To get the final result , the girls came to my place where edits have been made in accordance with the opinion of all . Anyway , it was a work with great dedication and love the result.
By the way how goes the progress of female metal bands in Brazil? I know Brazil isnt a country with chauvinist problems like other latin american countries in where some female metal bands dont have much support but tell me about it  
We know that prejudice against female bands is still real but move on and the scene here for women is getting stronger. We have amazing bands led by women , or only with women, showing their value in metal. The feedback we got from our audience to date has been positive, and the majority are men , who support us and believe the metal is equal and for all.
It was a good interview and I hope for the release of the next work, but to finish with this interview, do you have a message for readers and fans of your band?
Once again , thank you for your time , I enjoyed the interview, hope to see you soon. My message to readers and fans of the bands is : the Sinaya only moves forward because of you , because without you , none of this makes sense. Thank you for all the strength and respect. Take this opportunity to remind fans here in Brazil, we will open the show of the Exodus , so we will see in there is going to be amazing!

To know more about Sinaya:

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