Hails Kerasphoros, is a pleasure have this interview with you, I really like your band, the first material of your band I listened was the Ep: Materia Prima, and now the full length entitled: Genesis of Epiklesis, but to start this interview what are the news the band have for the public?
Hails and thanx for your support ! Soon will be out our split release with mighty brothers Black Ceremonial Kult through Godz ov war Productions in 12” Lp,cd format through Deathrune records and tape through Von Frost records.vAlso news stuff is being recorded for a 4way split with another bestial black/death bands from Greece, Beware!
"Genesis of Epiklesis" is the first full length of the band, how was produce this great work? and how was the recording days in the studio?
Genesis of Epiklesis was recorded during 2014-2015.We spent a lot of hours in order to achieve the final result and remain satisfied about the production.Finally after many hours of recording war has already a face! We are not the case of the band that like clear productions for sure!
The cover of this album was made by: Thiti Somboonanek (Zygoatsis), how was contact him? and in what track is inspired this cover?
Thiti is a great supporter of my band and artist also ! Before Facebook shit I contacted him through mail and had a positive answer about drawing a cover for the second demo during 2008 ! After many years I sent him again in order to resurrect again his act ! I gave him the whole recording to listen and let him free to create anything he wants that refers to the title of the album. Main theme of this cover is of course the Goat-Pan and the invocation of the ancient spirits.
In 2016 your band realeased an split album with the band: Sickrites, how born the idea of both bands to produce this split album? and can you tell about this alliance with them?
Sickrites are great brothers of mine and we are in contact for years now. We thought that would be a great idea to have a split together,it is a great Honour for Wargoat to have a split with bands like Sickrites,True and devoted persons even in their personnal life.Underground maniacs,we hail them!
In what are inspired the lyrics of the band? and what of all the lyrics of the band is very personal for you and why?
Wargoat is inspired by many things such as destruction,occultism,war themes,Hate ,and fall of humanity through several situations.Every song has it’s personnal messages and let the listener, through music or lyrics, to search for these hidden messages,only for those who can see and catch the meaning. Black metal is not just a music.
Can you tell for the readers how the band started? and why this name of Wargoat?
The band started at 2006 in order to personify our visions through our inner knowledge and our view on matters of Darkness and Hate.Underground scene has lost already the old aura,and we are here to stand as an obstacle to those who think that Black metal is something common and normal ! War and Goat united in one,War represent our hate and war themes side,Goat has to do with occult side of the band.
I know Greece have a economical crisis, but how goes the blacker scene in Greece? and what can you tell about it?
Due to the crisis and difficulties,we the Greeks have found courage to move on and fight without giving up our principles and traditions of who we are ! Through these situations Black metal scene has been bigger and many bands burst out of the scene,quality comes through feelings and the crisis helps for sure .
In all the pictures of the band, the banda wear campo cloth, what it represent for the image of the band?
Military clothes represent our purpose and vision of this music we play. Bestial black/Death metal is about War nails and bullets,so we spread the hate even with images even through our music. I can’t imagine Bestial metal of Death without this attitude,some characteristics are part of every kind of music,so it is with this kind also.
Few and selected lives even out of our Country. Hails to all goats out there and spread the disease !
To know more about Wargoat: